Looking beyond the lethality in the American continent

Looking beyond the lethality in the American continent

Perhaps, we get guilty or get them guilty because of keeping the highest percent of lethality over the average number in the American continent, but behind those numbers is hidden the real behavior that is lived for these countries. Let us start with the countries over the average lethality in the American continent, which is 4.24. The analysis has included dependent and independent countries, which is a total of 53 countries with confirmed cases.

Overpassing the average lethality, there are 20 countries, we can find Sint Maarten (19.48%), British Virgin Islands (12.50%), Mexico (11.82%), Antigua and Barbuda (11.54%), Bahamas (10.68%), Belize (10%), Montserrat (9.09%), Ecuador (8.36%), Turks and Caicos (8.33%), Canada (8.24%), Guadeloupe (8.19%), Guyana (7.55%), Barbados (7.29%), Saint Martin (7.14%), Martinique (6.93%), Trinidad and Tobago (6.84%), Bermuda (6.34%), USA (5.48%), Brazil (5.03%) and CuraƧao (4.55%). But, what does it mean that list? Let us look deeper into it, except Mexico, Ecuador, Canada, USA, and Brazil, the rest has less than 15 deceased and less than 205 confirmed cases. Then, as a first statement, most of the countries over the average deaths per confirmed cases have been doing so well avoiding the spread of the coronavirus.

Looking at the deceased per countries, we can find 14 countries over 100 death; USA (117 538), Brazil (42 802), Mexico (16 872), Canada (8 107), Peru (6 498), Ecuador (3 874), Chile (3 101), Colombia (1 592), Argentina (819), Bolivia (585), Dominican Republic (577), Panama (429), Guatemala (367) and Honduras (310). In this group, only a few overpasses 140 thousand confirmed cases, such as the USA (2 143 177), Brazil (851 321), Peru (225 132), Chile (167 355), and Mexico (142,690). As a second statement, we might affirm that we do not include countries with myriad deaths and confirmed cases, if only we look at the lethality parameter. 

Seeking at countries with over 85% of survival, we can find 22 countries. First of all, there are countries with fully recovered of all the confirmed cases, such as Saint Kitts and Nevis (100%), Greenland (100%), Falkland Islands (100%), Caribbean Netherlands (100%), St. Barth (100%), Anguilla (100%), Saint Pierre Miquelon (100%), Aruba (97.03%), Trinidad and Tobago (93.16%), Guadeloupe (91.81%), Turks and Caicos (91.67%), Montserrat (90.91%), and British Virgin Islands (87.50%). On the other hand, with active cases, we can find Grenada (95.65%), Saint Lucia (94.74%), St. Vincent Grenadines (92.59%), Uruguay (92.56%), Bermuda (89.44%), Dominica (88.88%), Barbados (86.46%), Cuba (85.92%), and Saint Martin (85.71). At last but not least, as a third statement, we can declare some of the countries with the highest lethality are fully recovered from coronavirus.

At the end of the day, the lethality might hide the true reality live by countries struggling against COVID-19.

