Cuba, 100 days struggling against COVID-19
Cuba, 100 days struggling against COVID-19 Here, I show the behavior related to the spread COVID-19 of the first one hundred days in Cuba. The graphs display the total confirmed cases vs. total active cases, total coronavirus deaths, serious-critical cases, a ratio between admitted and suspected cases, a relation between daily new cases, daily new recovery, and newly deceased. Also, it is provided an outcome of cases related to recovery vs. death where it is described the cumulative total deaths and recoveries over the cumulative number of closed cases. In the last seven days, Cuba has reported one death, 76 new cases, and 127 recovered. Cuba has tested 143 733 samples with a positive result of 1.6% since March 10th; and it has reported 2 295 confirmed cases, 85 deceased, 2 020 discharged and 2 evacuated, as well. The highest number of tests carried on in a day was 2 582 on June 15th and 17th, the highest number of confirmed cases per day was 74 reported on May 1st, whereas the highest...